How to Write an Affiliate Marketing Disclaimer | Samples Included

In affiliate marketing, transparency is key to building trust with your audience. An affiliate marketing disclaimer is crucial to this transparency, informing readers that you may receive compensation for purchases made through your links. Not only is this a best practice, but it is also a legal requirement in many jurisdictions. The need for a strong disclaimer for affiliate marketing, as well as what should be included, how to create one, and where to put it, are all covered in this essay. We will also provide sample disclaimers that you can tailor to your needs.

Why You Need an Affiliate Marketing Disclaimer

In online marketing, transparency is not just a best practice; it’s often a legal requirement. An affiliate marketing disclaimer is crucial in maintaining transparency with your audience about your financial relationships with the brands and products you promote. Here’s why having an affiliate marketing disclaimer is essential:

  1. Legal Compliance: Regulatory bodies like the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) in the United States mandate that affiliates disclose their relationships with advertisers. Noncompliance may result in penalties and reputational harm.
  2. Builds Trust: Disclosing your affiliate relationships demonstrates honesty and integrity to your audience. It shows that you prioritize their trust by being transparent about how you earn from recommendations.
  3. Avoids Misunderstandings: Clear disclosures help prevent misunderstandings or accusations of misleading advertising. They ensure your audience understands the nature of your recommendations and the potential benefits they may receive.
  4. Protects Your Brand: Proactively disclosing affiliate relationships protects your brand’s credibility. Transparent practices foster long-term relationships with your audience based on trust and authenticity.

Key Takeaway: 

Including an affiliate marketing disclaimer keeps you compliant with legal requirements and strengthens trust and credibility with your audience, laying a foundation for sustainable affiliate marketing success.

Key Elements to Include in Your Disclaimer

Incorporating multiple essential components in an affiliate marketing disclaimer is imperative to guarantee transparency, openness, and adherence to regulatory obligations. Here are the essential components you should consider:

  1. Nature of the Relationship: Indicate exactly what kind of relationship you have with the companies or goods you endorse. Disclose that you may earn commissions or benefit from purchases made through your affiliate links.
  2. Disclosure of Commissions or Benefits: Specify what benefits you may receive, such as affiliate commissions, free products, discounts, or any other form of compensation. Transparency about these benefits helps your audience understand your motivations.
  3. Explanation of Affiliate Links: Briefly explain how affiliate links work. Describe that these links are specially formatted URLs that allow the affiliate program to track the source of the traffic and sales generated through your recommendations.
  4. Transparency and Honesty: Emphasize your commitment to providing honest and unbiased opinions regardless of any potential compensation you may receive. Reassure your audience that your recommendations are based on your genuine belief in the value of the products or services you promote.
  5. Language and Clarity: Use clear, straightforward language that is easy for your audience to understand. Avoid technical jargon or legalistic terms that may confuse readers. Your disclaimer should be accessible to all visitors to your site.
  6. Placement and Visibility: Ensure your disclaimer is prominently placed where visitors can easily find it. Common locations include the beginning of blog posts containing affiliate links, near the affiliate links themselves, in your website’s footer or sidebar, and on a dedicated disclaimer page.
  7. Updates and Revisions: Regularly review and update your disclaimer to reflect changes in affiliate relationships or compensation structure. Keeping your disclaimer current ensures ongoing compliance and transparency with your audience.

By including these key elements in your affiliate marketing disclaimer, you not only fulfill legal obligations but also establish trust and transparency with your audience. This transparency is crucial for maintaining credibility and fostering positive relationships with your readers based on honesty and openness.

How to Write a Clear and Concise Disclaimer

To ensure your audience knows your affiliate affiliations and the possible benefits you could obtain, you must write a brief and understandable affiliate marketing disclaimer. Here are some practical tips to help you craft an effective disclaimer:

  1. Use Plain Language: Avoid complex or legalistic language. Please write in a straightforward manner that is easy for your audience to understand, regardless of their familiarity with affiliate marketing terms.
  2. Be Direct and Specific: Clearly state that you may earn commissions or receive benefits from purchases made through your affiliate links. Specify what these benefits may include, such as monetary compensation, free products, or discounts.
  3. Explain the Relationship: What kind of relationship do you have with the companies or goods you endorse? Disclose whether you are a paid affiliate or brand ambassador or receive any compensation for endorsements.
  4. Provide Context: Help your audience understand why you use affiliate links. Explain briefly how these links track referrals and sales, which helps support your efforts in creating valuable content.
  5. Maintain Transparency: Emphasize your commitment to transparency and honesty. Reassure your audience that your recommendations are based on your genuine belief in the quality and value of the products or services you promote.
  6. Keep it Concise: Although including all pertinent information is crucial, try to keep your disclaimer brief. Use bullet points or brief paragraphs to communicate information effectively without overwhelming readers.
  7. Placement Matters: Ensure your disclaimer is prominently placed where visitors can easily find it. Consider placing it at the beginning of blog posts with affiliate links, near the affiliate links themselves, in your website’s footer or sidebar, or on a dedicated disclaimer page.
  8. Regular Updates: Commit to reviewing and updating your disclaimer regularly. Update it whenever there are changes in your affiliate relationships or compensation structures to maintain accuracy and compliance.

Although including all pertinent information is crucial, try to keep your disclaimer brief. Use bullet points or brief paragraphs to effectively communicate information to readers without overwhelming them. Transparency and clarity in your disclosures are key to fostering positive relationships and credibility in affiliate marketing.

Where to Place Your Affiliate Disclaimer for Maximum Visibility

Deciding where to place your affiliate disclaimer is crucial to ensure it is easily accessible and visible to your audience. Here are some strategic placements to consider:

  1. At the beginning of Blog Posts: Place your affiliate disclaimer near the top of blog posts that contain affiliate links. This ensures readers see the disclosure before engaging with your content or clicking on affiliate links.
  2. Near Affiliate Links: Place a brief disclaimer directly adjacent to or below any affiliate links within your content for added transparency. This alerts readers to your financial relationship with the promoted products or services.
  3. In the Website Footer or Sidebar: Include a comprehensive affiliate disclaimer in your website’s footer or sidebar. This ensures that the disclaimer is visible on every page and easily accessible for visitors who want to learn more about your affiliate relationships.
  4. On a Dedicated Disclaimer Page: Create a separate page explaining your affiliate relationships and disclosures on your website. For visitors who want detailed information about your affiliations, click here to access this page from your main navigation menu or footer.
  5. Popup or Overlay: Consider using a popup or overlay that appears when visitors first arrive on your site or click on an affiliate link. This ensures that they see the disclaimer before proceeding further.
  6. In Email Newsletters: If you include affiliate links in your email newsletters, ensure your disclaimer is visible within the email. Consider placing it near the affiliate links or at the bottom of the newsletter.
  7. Social Media Profiles: If you promote affiliate links on social media platforms, include a brief disclaimer in your profile bio or on posts containing affiliate links. This helps maintain transparency across all channels.
  8. Terms of Service or Disclosure Policy: Incorporate your affiliate disclaimer into your website’s terms of service or disclosure policy. This legal document outlines your site’s policies and can provide additional context for visitors.

By strategically placing your affiliate disclaimer in these prominent locations, you ensure that your audience is informed about your affiliate relationships and complies with legal requirements. Your transparency cultivates connections built on openness and honesty, which your readers will respect and find credible.

Sample Affiliate Marketing Disclaimers to Use

Including a well-crafted affiliate, marketing disclaimer is essential for transparency and compliance with legal regulations. Here are some sample disclaimers that you can customize for your use:

  1. Sample 1:There are affiliate links on this website, which means that [Your Website Name] may acquire compensation if you click on one of the links and purchase an item we’ve recommended. You won’t pay anything extra to click on these links, but doing so will support our continued website operation. I appreciate your support!”
  2. Sample 2:Some of the links on this site are affiliate links. If you click the link and purchase, [Your Website Name] will receive an affiliate commission. You can be confident that we only suggest goods or services that benefit our readers.”
  3. Sample 3: “We may receive commissions on carefully selected products that customers buy after clicking on our links to retailer websites because we participate in several affiliate marketing programs. These collaborations don’t affect our editorial content in any way.”
  4. Sample 4: “As an Amazon Associate, we earn from qualifying purchases. This implies that when you buy something using the links on this website, [Your Website Name] might get paid a commission.”
  5. Sample 5: “Please be aware that this website contains affiliate links. After you click on one of these links and purchase, [Your Website Name] will earn you a commission at no additional cost. We only recommend products or services we have investigated and truly feel deliver value.”

Tips for Customization:

  • Personalize: Replace “[Your Website Name]” with your website or blog name.
  • Clarify Benefits: Specify what benefits you receive, such as commissions, free products, or discounts.
  • Honesty: Reaffirm your commitment to honesty and unbiased recommendations.
  • Simplicity: Keep the language clear and accessible for your audience.

Using these sample disclaimers as a foundation and customizing them to fit your specific circumstances ensures that your affiliate relationships are transparent and compliant with legal requirements. Being open and honest with your audience helps to establish your credibility as a trustworthy source of advice and information.


A well-written affiliate marketing disclaimer is necessary to comply with the law and maintain your audience’s trust.

Understanding the importance of a disclaimer, knowing what elements to include, and placing it for maximum visibility can ensure transparency in your affiliate marketing efforts. Use the sample disclaimers provided as a starting point to create your own and keep your audience informed and confident in your recommendations.


What is an affiliate marketing disclaimer?

An affiliate marketing disclaimer is a statement on your website or blog that discloses your financial relationship with the companies you promote. It informs readers that you may receive compensation for purchases made through your affiliate links, such as commissions or free products.

Is an affiliate marketing disclaimer legally required?

Yes, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) requires affiliates to disclose their financial relationships in many jurisdictions, including the United States. Failure to include a disclaimer can result in legal repercussions and potential fines.

Where should I place my affiliate marketing disclaimer?

Your affiliate marketing disclaimer should be easily visible to your audience. Common placements include at the top of blog posts, near affiliate links, in the website footer or sidebar, and on a dedicated disclaimer page.

Can I use a general disclaimer for all my affiliate links?

Yes, you can use a general disclaimer, but it should be clear and comprehensive enough to cover all your affiliate relationships. Additionally, consider placing brief disclaimers near specific affiliate links within your content for added transparency.

How often should I update my affiliate marketing disclaimer?

You should update your affiliate marketing disclaimer whenever there are changes in your affiliate relationships or compensation structures. Regularly reviewing and updating your disclaimer ensures it remains accurate and compliant with legal requirements.

Additional Resources

  1. Federal Trade Commission (FTC) Guidelines

Learn about the FTC’s guidelines on making effective disclosures in digital advertising. This resource provides comprehensive information on compliance requirements for affiliate marketers.

  1. – Adding Affiliate Disclaimers

A helpful guide from on how to add affiliate disclaimers to your website or blog. This article includes step-by-step instructions and tips for placement.

  1. Google’s Policies on Paid Links

Understand Google’s policies regarding paid links and affiliate marketing. This resource helps ensure your site remains in good standing with search engine guidelines.

  1. Amazon Associates Program Policies

If you’re part of the Amazon Associates Program, this resource provides detailed information on their requirements for affiliate disclosures and best practices.

  1. Blogging Wizard – How to Write an Affiliate Disclosure

A comprehensive article from Blogging Wizard that covers the essentials of writing an effective affiliate disclosure. It includes examples and tips for ensuring your disclaimer is clear and compliant.

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